Make a phone or video appointment with Career Services

Having an in person appointment isn't an option right now, but we are still here for you. You can now schedule a phone or video appointment with a member of the Career Services Office.

We have a couple ways you can schedule an appointment.

  1. Log into HFC Job Leads as a STUDENT (see link on our page). Then click on the Career Services Appointment tab and the type of assistance you are seeking. You can select a specific time and date. All appointments are virtual appointments. Select the time that works best for you. At the end is a Notes section. If you want a phone call, add your phone number there. (If you forget to do this, we will just use the phone number in your student profile.) If you want to use a video platform like Zoom or Google hangouts indicate you are able to receive those invites in the Notes section.

  2. If you are open and very flexible on a time and date, then you could also email Tell us if you can do a phone or video call, and what you need help with. We will get back to you with a suggested time.